Connecting with your Souse through Prayer (2nd series, self-contained)

Are you wanting to make your marriage better?  Do you worry about challenging realities you face?  This may concern adult or young children, aging parents, or some other reality close to your heart.  Prayer with your spouse is a powerful response.  Let God help you through the sacrament of your marriage.  Let prayer bring you closer to your spouse while you wait together for God in His providence to answer your prayers. 

We will be facilitating a series of three evening sessions.  Our sessions will be about how we share with our spouse what’s close to us, through prayer:  challenging or hopeful realities.

One thing we’ll focus on is perseverance in prayer. 

Another thing we’ll focus on is offering specific suggestions and sharing personal examples from our own experiences.

We plan to have couple time and small group time for discussion and prayer.

Dates: first three Mondays in October (2nd, 9th and 16th)

Times: from 7:00 to 8:30

Where: at SFDS in the church. 

We hope you will join us to take in ideas, discuss and pray.

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