
As you know, we likely have a threatening situation in this country with the spread of the newest Coronavirus that will likely impact many aspects of our lives. While no immediate, draconian efforts have yet been taken at St. Francis, I do want you to know that we are closely monitoring the situation. The parish leadership team will assess and react immediately and appropriately when the time comes using the best scientifically validated information available to us at the time.

That said, here are some things you can do immediately to protect yourself and your fellow worshipers from contracting or spreading any viral illness (Don't forget it's still flu season). 

Things you can do outside of the church: The most impactful thing you can do is stay home if you're not feeling well. You can watch all of the St. Francis weekend masses on the parish website, youtube live and the 10:30 and 12:30 masses on the parish's Facebook page. We'll miss seeing you and worshiping in the same room together, but everyone will appreciate your caution. Secondly, wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands. The standard advice for effective handwashing is 20 seconds - that's about the same time it takes to sing the Salve Regina chant up to the word "Hévae"- if you don't know it, here's a perfect reason to learn it! A second option would be one entire singing of "In the Lord, I'll be Ever Thankful" that we frequently do as a second communion hymn.

If you haven't gotten your flu shot, please consider it. While the flu shot won't directly help someone with the Coronavirus, limiting the spread of the seasonal flu will help keep medical resources available for those who do get ill. 

There are plenty of things you can do when you get to church when you're feeling fine. The first thing when you get here is to visit the bathroom and wash your hands. All liturgical ministers are being asked to give extra attention to health and sanitize their hands when they arrive. 

Secondly, if you're particularly concerned about getting or spreading the virus, your fellow parishioners will understand if you don't shake hands for the sign of peace, or hold hands for the Lord's prayer - please do whatever you feel comfortable doing. If you're recovering from illness, or are in the demographic that is vulnerable to this illness, you most certainly can refrain from receiving from the Cup - Jesus is fully present in both species of the Eucharist. The likelihood of saliva contact with a Eucharistic ministers' hands increases when you receive communion on the tongue; please give careful consideration to receiving in hand for a while until the threat of disease passes if you're accustomed to receiving the Eucharist on the tongue. Lastly, when you enter the church, if you're concerned about spreading or contracting a virus, you can refrain from dipping your hand in the holy water font, and instead, stop at the font and sign yourself with the sign of the cross until the disease threat lessens. 

I hope this helps you be prepared to stay healthy and help keep your fellow parishioners healthy while you're here worshiping with us.  -Phil