Thursday, September 17, 2015
7:00 pm @ St. Francis

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Links to video resources about Archbishop hacour and his Mars Elias Schools:

  • “Man of Galilee”- 23 minutes (on the right)
  • “ Building Peace on Desktops”  – 12 minutes (YouTube)

Biographical information about Archbishop Chacour (written):

Information about the Melkite Catholic Church:

On Thursday, September 17, St. Francis de Sales will host a community-wide presentation by Archbishop Elias Chacour, a 3-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee known for his work for education and peace in Israel.  Chacour is the retired Melkite Catholic archbishop in the northern part of Israel.  Few of us have heard of the Melkite Catholic Church, so let's learn a little about it.  The universal Catholic Church is comprised of 23 self-governing ritual churches united by their communion with each other and with the See of Rome (the pope).  Though the Roman Church is the largest (1.2 billion worldwide), the 22 Eastern churches play a significant role in the universality of Catholicism.  The Melkite Catholic Church is one of these 22, with 1.6 million members primarily in Egypt, Israel, Palestinian territories, Jordan, Lebanon, Sudan, and Syria. 

For more information about the Melkite Catholic Church and other Eastern Chuches, check out the following websites: