
Five adults have been journeying through the process of RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) since early fall.  Each of them have lived and continue to live unique faith journeys.  It has been a joy for our community to be able to join them on their journey for the past several months. 

At the start of the Season of Lent, they celebrated the Rite of Sending and this weekend they celebrate the Rite of Election with the bishop  at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Grand Rapids.  Our candidates will additionally celebrate the Penitential Rite, since they have already been baptized, and our elect will celebrate three scrutinizes where we as a community pray over them that they may be purified and ready for baptism. 

Together as a community let us continue to pray to almighty God for the three who are asking for baptism and two who are asking to be received into the full communion of the Church.  God has called them and brought them to this moment; may he grant them light and strength to follow Christ with resolute hearts and to profess the faith of the Church. 

Meet our Elect

Bernarda was raised around the Catholic faith, however, was not baptized.   Her sponsor is Abby Giroux

“It’s been a learning experience about myself.  I’ve learned to love myself along with better understanding God’s love for me.  I’ve been able to grow in my faith and understanding with the community.”

Andres was raised around the Catholic faith, however, it was his then unborn child (now born), Leo, and his wife, Iliana that helped bring him to the Church.  His sponsor is Zack Kapla. 

“I’ve really enjoyed journeying through the process of RCIA.  We’ve been highlighted in prayer and support which is nothing I’ve experienced before.  I enjoy how close our group has gotten and how welcoming our parish community is.  There is a joy when you walk in.”

Michael’s first experience with the faith was due to his wife Milu who had grown up Catholic.  They have a little girl who is expected to be born very soon.  His sponsor is Michael Maher. 

“I am amazed by the support given through this process.  Both the size of the congregation and the makeup of the people.  I have truly seen the investment of time and energy to support me and the others through this process.  I remain mindful of how I intentionally integrate my new faith into the daily life of my family.”

Meet our Candidates

LuAnn was raised in the Lutheran Church.  She and her husband, Michael, have journeyed through this process together.  They raised four children two of which are in the area.  Her sponsor is Sandy Castle.

“Through the events of my life.  God has brought be to a journey that has lead me to the Catholic church in this time in my life.  He has renewed a sense of his Grace and Mercy in my life that I feel that I had begun to take for granted.  I thank him for calling me to His Church.”

Michael grew up in the Evangelical Free Church.  His wife, LuAnn, and he have journeyed through this process together.  His sponsor is Wally Castle.  They raised four children.

“I’ve been struck in my journey to the Catholic Church which has entered into the 31st year that I’ve changed in my perspective from wanting to get away from a faith that seems to lack in its explanation and expression of my spirituality to a new explanation and expression of my faith that is so much more complete.  I have found that here at St. Francis - the fullness of God, the centrality of Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit - in an abundance of ways that I had not anticipated.  It has become clear to me that this is the way the Lord has been guiding me.”

Meet our Sponsors and Team
We have wonderful sponsors and team members who directly help our candidates through the RCIA process.  They give of their time, talent, and treasure in order for our candidates to grow in faith, get to know our community, and help them build a relationship with Christ.  They also get a lot out of this process.  Not all of them are pictures, but we thank them all for all they give.  

Becoming Catholic

Interested in coming into the Catholic Church?  Do you want to explore your faith, grow closer to Christ, and be part of a community that prayer and seeks to live as disciples?

Contact Ricardo Valdez to learn about our process of RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).  RCIA is for those who are not yet baptized, those who have been baptized in another faith tradition, and Catholics who have not celebrated Confirmation and Eucharist. 

Adult Confirmation

Adults who have celebrated the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, but have not yet been confirmed do not participate in the RCIA process, but rather have a different preparation process.  Typically we start preparation in early fall and early Spring.  Contact Ricardo Valdez for more information.


Nuestra parroquia tiene cinco adultos este cuaresma que están terminando su preparación del proceso del Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos para entrar a la Iglesia católica por el baptismo o por la celebración de recepción.  Sean preparado por más que medio año para poder sentarse con nosotros en la mesa del Señor. 

Juntos continuamos pidiendo a Dios Padre omnipotente por nuestros hermanos y hermanas que piden el santo Bautismo y recepción en la plena comunión de la Iglesia católica.  A quienes Dios llamó y ha conducido hasta este momento, les conceda con abundancia luz y vigor para abrazarse a Cristo con fortaleza de corazón y para profesar la fe de la Iglesia.

Si usted está interesado de bautizar o preparar para celebrar el Sacramento de Confirmación o la Eucaristía, se puede contactar Ricardo Valdez en la oficina de la parroquia.  Su información esta incluido en ese folleto.