What is the Fortnight for Freedom?

Each year dioceses around the country arrange special events to highlight the importance of defending religious freedom. The Fortnight for Freedom is from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July 4, Independence Day.

Letter from the Bishop - June 13/14, 2015

Dear friends in Christ,

As Americans, we are privileged to live in a country where religious belief and practice without interference or persecution is protected under law and has been defended by many generations before us. As our right of religious freedom continues to face threats at the federal, state and local levels, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has once again called for the observance of a “Fortnight for Freedom” during the 14-day period from June 21st through July 4th. The theme this year is Fortnight for Freedom: Freedom to Bear Witness, emphasizing the link between religious liberty and our ability to bear witness to the full truth about the human person in a way that reflects our God-given dignity.

During these 14 days, I invite you to join me in prayer for our country and its leaders. Culminating on Independence Day, this special time of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action provides the opportunity for us to concentrate on the freedom of religion we enjoy in the United States, while also focusing on the need to defend it. I am encouraging parishes to hold special events during the “Fortnight for Freedom” that would form a great national example of teaching and witness for religious liberty. Additional resources may be found on the diocesan website, dioceseofgrandrapids.org.

I also ask you to pray for the protection of religious liberty in the United States and abroad where so many Christians are being persecuted and killed for their beliefs. Please take time to reacquaint yourself with the tenets upon which our country was founded, participate in events being held in connection with the Fortnight, and encourage our government officials to support legislation that reflects Catholic social teaching.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak

Bishop of Grand Rapids
