Letter from Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak, Bishop of the Diocese of Grand Rapids

Second Collection, May 9th & 10th at all weekend Masses at St. Francis de Sales.

The morning of April 25, a devastating magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal near Kathmandu and also affecting nearby parts of India. Avalanches were reported in the Himalayas, including on Mount Everest.

Let us keep all those affected by the earth quake in prayer.  Donations may be made through many organizations.  Click here to learn how to give through Catholic Relief Services which is an organization not only working in the spirit of the Catholic faith, but has people on the ground assessing the best ways to use resources to help those affected by this disaster.  


Loving God,

We pray for all those affected by the earthquake in Nepal as we offer the words of the psalmist, “Be strong and take heart, all who hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:25).

May those who are paralyzed by fear …
Be strong and take heart

May those who have lost or are still searching for loved ones …
Be strong and take heart

May those who remain trapped under rubble …
Be strong and take heart

May those rescue workers who provide relief and recovery …
Be strong and take heart

May those who are moved with compassion to help …
Be strong and take heart

God, whose love knows no bounds,
fill all those who suffer with your comfort and peace.
We ask all this through Christ, our Lord. Amen

From Catholic Relief Services website.


Dios amoroso, Oramos por todos los afectados por el terremoto en Nepal a medida que ofrecemos las palabras del salmista, “Fortalezcan su corazón, sean valientes, todos los que esperan en el Señor” (Salmo 31,25).

Que aquellos que están paralizados por el miedo … 
Sean fuertes y tengan valor

Que aquellos que han perdido o siguen buscando a sus seres queridos …
Sean fuertes y tengan valor

Que aquellos que siguen atrapados bajo los escombros …
Sean fuertes y tengan valor

Que los socorristas que ofrecen ayuda y recuperación …
Sean fuertes y tengan valor

Que aquellos que son movidos con compasión para ayudar …
Sean fuertes y tengan valor

Dios, cuyo amor no conoce límites, llenar con tu consuelo y la paz a todos los que sufren. Pedimos todos esto a través de Cristo, nuestro Señor.Amén

Del sito de web de Catholic Relief Services.